Monday, June 29, 2009

Sweet mornings

I love jams and jellies and preserves. The time honored breakfast staples don't me feel so guilty about indulging in sugary treats when I should be filling up on oatmeal (shudder!) and such.
A slice of milk toast, drizzled with some salty melted butter and a smear of jam is a perfect beginning to my day.
So imagine my delight when I found a preserves mini sampler at a Harry and David outlet. I haven't heard much about Harry and David's except that they have good fruit, and didn't get a chance to try their products earlier. Well, good fruits make good preserves and I was completely sold on the mini bottles that promise me a different jam every week! And then they are sugar free too.
So far I've only cracked open the Oregold Peach, which was a generic Peach jam, nothing special. I'm more excited about the Dark Cherry and Red Raspberry. There is also a Marionberry preserve which I'm planning to use with crepes. I do hope they will be better than the Peach.

Its been a long time since I updated the blog or taken part in any blog events and Divya's breakfast event seems like the perfect opportunity to jump back in.
So off this goes to D's

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not reflect healthy eating habits, exhibit A: a post on chips, B: breakfast ideas more suitable for 5 yr olds etc.



first time here, looks awesome,..:-)

Varsha Vipins

alo alo..mansi ji back with her long locks n fab breakfast pic huh..:) ..glad to see u ok n so nice pic it is..last time I got some amazing cherry preserves of Chukar's from farmer's check it out next time..hope to see ur posts more often..:)


I've never tried Harry and David jams but I've had some D'anjou pears and they were freakin' awesome, the juiciest ever!


Vipins, you been busy. Your blog looks too good!

Jessica, I have heard good things about their Bing Cherries too. Gotta try.

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